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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » ProfUIS 284 and VS2010 - ScrollBar Crash during initilization. Collapse All
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Mark Lo Chiano Sep 10, 2010 - 4:40 PM


  I know that you have answered this before, but I am unable to locate the prior thread in the various forums.

  There appears to be a known incompatability between ProfUIS v284 and Visual Studio 2010.    One of the primary ways that this appears is that an application may crash during startup.  

  In particular, a CExtToolBoxWnd that receives normal OnSize messages initially passes that message along to CExtScrollWnd::OnSize for processing.   The CEstScrollWnd in turn calls the OnSwUpdateScrollBars() method.  This method then attempts to enable (or disable) the horizontal and vertical scroll bars using OnSwEnableScrollBarCtrl ( SB_VERT, ? true : false );

  In my case, the issue is within the enable/disable of the vertical scroll bar, where it attempts to pass the call along to CWnd::ShowScrollBar ( SB_VERT, FALSE );   Inside CWnd::ShowScrollBar it always fails, reporting an invalid window handle.

 My memory of your prior answer was something along the lines of "To avoid this the application will have to use a delayed (or defered) window creation approach".

  If my memory is somewhat accurate...could you explain how this application crash can be avolded?


Janet W Sep 17, 2010 - 8:06 PM

Hi !

I’ve just visited this forum. Happy to get acquainted with you. Thanks.




Mark Lo Chiano Sep 13, 2010 - 5:59 PM

Never looks like the html editor kills the this is a very misleading example.

Mark Lo Chiano Sep 13, 2010 - 5:57 PM


Here is an example of one potential way to format your code..........






// mtlc


bool CExtCmdProfile::UpdateFromMenu ( HMENU hMenu,

                                                               int   nResourceId,

                                                               bool bCustomize,

                                                               bool bReplaceOld,

                                      bool bRecursive,

                                                               bool bLoadTips )



//     declare local variables

int            nMenuItemCount;

int            nMenuItemIdx;

CString        save_LastMenuName;

CExtCmdItem * pCmdItem = NULL;

CExtCmdItem * pTestCmdItem;


int            nLen;

bool           bResult;

BOOL           bExist;

int            iCustomizables;

int            iCustomizable;

bool           yesAdd;


    if ( hMenu == NULL )


        return false;



    if ( !( ::IsMenu ( hMenu ) ) )


        return false;







    // loop through each of the menu items.........this will get the

    // primary top level items for this menu


    nMenuItemCount = ::GetMenuItemCount ( hMenu );

    for ( nMenuItemIdx = 0; nMenuItemIdx < nMenuItemCount; nMenuItemIdx++ )



    // want this definition within the loop

    // so we get a fresh copy for every command

    // several lines of code are dependent upon detecting

    // a blank menutext

    CExtCmdItem    _cmd;

    CExtSafeString sMenuText;


        // get the menu item info

        ::memset ( &mii, 0, sizeof ( MENUITEMINFO ) );

        mii.cbSize = sizeof ( MENUITEMINFO );

        mii.fMask = MIIM_CHECKMARKS |

                              MIIM_DATA       |

                                   MIIM_ID         |

                                   MIIM_STATE      |

                                   MIIM_SUBMENU    |


        mii.cch        = __MAX_UI_ITEM_TEXT;

        mii.dwTypeData = sMenuText.GetBuffer ( __MAX_UI_ITEM_TEXT );

        ASSERT ( mii.dwTypeData != NULL );

        if ( mii.dwTypeData == NULL )


            ASSERT ( FALSE );



            //       bad data type --> jump to next item





        //    this call will load the menu text

        if ( !::GetMenuItemInfo ( hMenu, nMenuItemIdx, TRUE, &mii ) )


            sMenuText.ReleaseBuffer ();

            ASSERT ( FALSE );



            //       could not get item information -->jump to next item




        sMenuText.ReleaseBuffer ();

        if ( ( mii.fType & MFT_SEPARATOR ) != 0 )



            //       this is a separator --> jump to next item







        // if sub-menu process it recursively

        if ( mii.hSubMenu != NULL )


            if ( !bRecursive )



                //   should not be here --> jump to next item







            //       after this call...want to reset the g_LastMenuName value

            bResult = UpdateFromMenu ( mii.hSubMenu, nResourceId, bCustomize, bReplaceOld, true, true );



            //       done with this submenu --> jump to next item


        }   // if( mii.hSubMenu != NULL )


        // register command

        if ( ! CExtCmdManager::IsCommand ( mii.wID ) )



            //       invalid command --> jump to next item





        //    if this is menuItem 0, then this is the parent of all of the

        //    children

        _cmd.m_nCmdID = mii.wID;


        sMenuText.Replace ( _T ( "\n" ), _T ( "" ) );

        sMenuText.Replace ( _T ( "\r" ), _T ( "" ) );

        sMenuText.Replace ( _T ( "&" ), _T ( "" ) );    // mtlc

        sMenuText.TrimLeft ();

        sMenuText.TrimRight ();



        //    begin mtlc additions

        _cmd.m_fromMenu    = 1;

        _cmd.m_fromToolBar = 0;

        _cmd.m_menuIds.Add ( ( UINT ) nResourceId );


        // end mtlc additions


        if ( !sMenuText.IsEmpty () )


            int nSep = sMenuText.ReverseFind ( _T ( ’\t’ ) );

            if ( nSep >= 0 )


                nLen = sMenuText.GetLength ();



                //   parse the accellerator

                _cmd.m_sAccelText = sMenuText.Right ( nLen - nSep );

                _cmd.m_sAccelText.TrimLeft ();

                _cmd.m_sAccelText.TrimRight ();



                //   virtual key codes

                if ( _cmd.m_sAccelText.GetLength () > 0 )


                    _cmd.m_HotKey.StringToVirtual ( _cmd.m_sAccelText );

                }   // end of translate to the internal virtual key code structure



                //   parse the menu text

                _cmd.m_sMenuText = sMenuText.Left ( nSep );

                _cmd.m_sMenuText.TrimLeft ();

                _cmd.m_sMenuText.TrimRight ();




                _cmd.m_sMenuText = sMenuText;


        }   // if( ! sMenuText.IsEmpty() )



        //    load the tool tips

        if ( bLoadTips )


            _cmd.TipsLoad ();




        //    do the actual storage

        bResult = CmdSetup ( _cmd, bReplaceOld );



        //    do we want to add this to the customizable command list?

        //    if so, then do not add it more than once for the same command id

        if ( bCustomize == true )


            bExist = m_cmds.Lookup ( _cmd.m_nCmdID, pCmdItem );

            if ( bExist == TRUE )


                yesAdd = true;

                iCustomizables = m_CustomizableCommands.GetCount ();

                for ( iCustomizable = 0; iCustomizable < iCustomizables; iCustomizable++ )


                    pTestCmdItem = ( CExtCmdItem * ) m_CustomizableCommands.GetAt ( iCustomizable );

                    if ( pTestCmdItem->m_nCmdID == pCmdItem->m_nCmdID )


                        yesAdd = false;



                }   // end of this customizable


                if ( yesAdd == true )


                    m_CustomizableCommands.Add ( pCmdItem );

                }   // end of we had not seen this command before.

            }   // end of this is a valid command

        }   // end of remember this customizable command

    }   // for all menu level items



    // all done

    return true;


// end of UpdateFromMenu method







//     mtlc...

//     this is the primary method that in in the ’Call From App’

//     chain


bool CExtCmdProfile::UpdateFromMenu ( UINT             nResourceID,

                                                               CExtCmdManager * parentMgr,

                                                               bool             bCustomizable,

                                                               bool             bReplaceOld,

                                      bool             bLoadTips )



//     declare local variables

CMenu           *menu;

MENUINFO        *menuInfo;

bool            bResult;

menuCustomize   *newMenuCustomizer;



    menu = new CMenu ();

    if ( !g_ResourceManager->LoadMenu ( *menu, nResourceID ) )


        ASSERT ( FALSE );

        return false;




    // mtlc

    // want to get the information about this menu, and remember

    // this menu in the ’customizable’ list.

    if ( bCustomizable == true )



        //    create the structures

        newMenuCustomizer = new menuCustomize ();

        menuInfo = new MENUINFO ();

        ::memset ( menuInfo, 0, sizeof ( MENUINFO ) );

        menu->GetMenuInfo ( menuInfo );



        //    remember it

        newMenuCustomizer->bCustomizable = bCustomizable;

        newMenuCustomizer->pProfile      = this;

        newMenuCustomizer->theParentMenu = menu;

        newMenuCustomizer->menuInfo      = menuInfo;

        newMenuCustomizer->nResourceId   = nResourceID;

        newMenuCustomizer->MenuName      = "No Name Supplied";


        parentMgr->m_CustomizableMenus.Add ( newMenuCustomizer );

    }   // end of customizable menu



    // pass it along to the method that will actually do the work

    bResult = UpdateFromMenu ( menu->GetSafeHmenu (), nResourceID, bCustomizable, bReplaceOld, true, bLoadTips );



    // if not customizable...release the menu class object

    if ( bCustomizable != true )


        delete menu;




    // all done

    return bResult;

} // end of UpdateFromMenu method

Technical Support Sep 13, 2010 - 1:15 PM

Your improvement is the same as adding the following to the beginning of the method:

   if( GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )

It would be extremely interesting to know what’s wrong with code formatting in details

Mark Lo Chiano Sep 13, 2010 - 9:26 AM

Here is a corrected version of the offending method.    Sorry the the copy/paste operation tends to strip out the tabs...


-----------------------  Begin Code Snippet -------------------------------------------








void CExtScrollWnd::OnSwEnableScrollBarCtrl ( int nBar, bool bEnable )



// declare local variables

ASSERT_VALID ( this );

ASSERT ( nBar == SB_HORZ || nBar == SB_VERT || nBar == SB_BOTH );

if ( !IsWindowEnabled () )


bEnable = false;


DWORD dwWndStyle = CWnd::GetStyle ();

CPoint ptMove = OnSwGetScrollPos ();

CScrollBar* pScrollBarWndH = GetScrollBarCtrl ( SB_HORZ );

CScrollBar* pScrollBarWndV = GetScrollBarCtrl ( SB_VERT );

if ( nBar == SB_HORZ || nBar == SB_BOTH )


if ( ( !bEnable ) && ptMove.x != 0 )


ptMove.x = 0;

OnSwSetScrollPos ( ptMove );

} // if( (!bEnable) && ptMove.x != 0 )

if ( pScrollBarWndH != NULL )


if ( ( dwWndStyle & WS_HSCROLL ) != 0 )


CWnd::ShowScrollBar ( SB_HORZ, FALSE );


bool bAreadyEnabled = pScrollBarWndH->IsWindowEnabled () ? true : false;

if ( !( (bAreadyEnabled && bEnable) || ((!bAreadyEnabled) && (!bEnable)) ) )


pScrollBarWndH->EnableWindow ( bEnable ? TRUE : FALSE );

if ( OnSwCanAutoHideScrollBar ( true ) )


pScrollBarWndH->ShowWindow ( bEnable ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE );



if ( bEnable && ( pScrollBarWndH->GetStyle () & WS_VISIBLE ) == 0 )


pScrollBarWndH->ShowWindow ( SW_SHOW );



} // if( pScrollBarWndH != NULL )



if ( OnSwCanAutoHideScrollBar ( true ) )


CWnd::ShowScrollBar ( SB_HORZ, bEnable ? TRUE : FALSE );




CWnd::EnableScrollBar ( SB_HORZ, bEnable ? ESB_ENABLE_BOTH : ESB_DISABLE_BOTH );


} // else from if( pScrollBarWndH != NULL )

} // if( nBar == SB_HORZ || nBar == SB_BOTH )

if ( nBar == SB_VERT || nBar == SB_BOTH )


if ( ( !bEnable ) && ptMove.y != 0 )


ptMove.y = 0;

OnSwSetScrollPos ( ptMove );

} // if( (!bEnable) && ptMove.y != 0 )




// is this a valid window?

if ( pScrollBarWndV != NULL )


if ( ( dwWndStyle & WS_VSCROLL ) != 0 )



// mtlc - Sept 2010 ...add check for isWindow

if ( ::IsWindow(m_hWnd) ) // <---- new code


// CWnd::ShowScrollBar ( SB_VERT, FALSE ); // <--- old code causes ASSERT for invalid handle

pScrollBarWndV->ShowScrollBar ( FALSE );

} // wait until the window handle is actually valid

} // does this window have a scrolling style?

bool bAreadyEnabled = pScrollBarWndV->IsWindowEnabled () ? true : false;

if ( !( (bAreadyEnabled && bEnable) || ((!bAreadyEnabled) && (!bEnable)) ) )


pScrollBarWndV->EnableWindow ( bEnable ? TRUE : FALSE );

if ( OnSwCanAutoHideScrollBar ( false ) )


pScrollBarWndV->ShowWindow ( bEnable ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE );



if ( bEnable && ( pScrollBarWndV->GetStyle () & WS_VISIBLE ) == 0 )


pScrollBarWndV->ShowWindow ( SW_SHOW );



} // if( pScrollBarWndV != NULL )



if ( OnSwCanAutoHideScrollBar ( false ) )


CWnd::ShowScrollBar ( SB_VERT, bEnable ? TRUE : FALSE );




CWnd::EnableScrollBar ( SB_VERT, bEnable ? ESB_ENABLE_BOTH : ESB_DISABLE_BOTH );


} // else from if( pScrollBarWndV != NULL )

} // if( nBar == SB_VERT || nBar == SB_BOTH )

CExtScrollBar* pExtScrollBarWndH = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST ( CExtScrollBar, pScrollBarWndH );

CExtScrollBar* pExtScrollBarWndV = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST ( CExtScrollBar, pScrollBarWndV );

if ( pExtScrollBarWndH != NULL && pExtScrollBarWndV != NULL )


pExtScrollBarWndH->SyncReservedSpace ( pExtScrollBarWndV );

pExtScrollBarWndV->SyncReservedSpace ( pExtScrollBarWndH );

} // if( pExtScrollBarWndH != NULL && pExtScrollBarWndV != NULL )

} // end of OnSwEnableScrollBarCtrl method



---------------------- End Code Snippet ------------------------------------------------

By the way, while I really like your company and you product, your coding formtting is extremely odd.   I believe that you would save you company and your customer’s a consideral amount of time and money if you would invest in one of the many code formatters.


Technical Support Sep 13, 2010 - 8:57 AM

Could show the call stack listing at the crash time?