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Tree Grid

What is the tree grid?

The tree grid control is represented by the CExtTreeGridWnd class, which implements a hierarchical list of items, such as the headings in a document, the entries in an index, the files and directories on a disk or any other items that are hierarchically structured. By default, the list is displayed in column 0 (the tree column) but you can change the default column using the CExtTreeGridWnd::OnTreeGridPaintExpandButton() method.

CExtTreeGridWnd is inherited from CExtGridWnd, which means you can use any of 30+ cell types available in Prof-UIS for displaying data both in the tree column and in other columns. This allows you to display rich-formatted and well-structured content. You can see the full list of grid cells in the ProfUIS Controls sample.

The tree grid is used in the property grid (CExtPropertyGridCtrl) and is the base class for the report grid (CExtReportGridWnd class). The CExtTreeGridWnd (as well as CExtGridWnd and CExtReportGridWnd) supports the printing and print preview feature based on the enhanced windows metafile cache (v.2.63.3 and later).

There are two very simple tree grid samples available at the moment:

- test_tree_grid_idea demonstrates how to use basic features.

- test_tree_grid_idea demonstrates how the user can swap rows using drag-and-drop (v.2.63.4 and later).

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