You can use evaluate Elegant Grid for 60 days for free. During the evaluation period, each time you run an application that uses an evaluation copy of the Elegant Grid, a special windows is displayed in the background. When the evaluation period expires, you must either buy a license or uninstall the Elegant Grid and not use it anymore. Please contact us at if you need to extend the evaluation period.
After purchasing a license, you can get a license key from our website:
Please note that with each new release, you are granted a new licesense key for free provided you have a valid technical support subscription.
To hide the background window indicating that an evaluation copy of the Elegant Grid is used, apply the license key in your code before the first use of the grid control:
Please note the Elegant Grid is a royalty-free component. That means you do not have to pay us any royalties when you distribute your applications developed with the Elegant Grid to your customers.