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Version 2.87 - November 13, 2009

What's New

Version 2.87 features features a new Office 2010 theme and new controls and grid cells that allow the user to edit numbers and currency values. There are also a lot of improvements, particularly in the visual look of controls.

New Features

  • Added an Office 2010 theme (see screenshot).
  • Ribbon controls are now skinned with the XML/PNG based paint manager (ProfSkin)(see screenshot).
  • Prof-UIS is now fully compatible with Windows 7.
  • Added a currency control (the CExtEditSystemCurrency class) and a currency grid cell (the CExtGridCellSystemCurrency class). Both classes are based on the currency format from the Windows locale settings.
  • Added a number editor control (the CExtEditSystemNumber class) and a number grid cell (the CExtGridCellSystemNumber class). Both classes are based on the number format from the Windows locale settings.
  • Content in the controls based on the rich edit control (masked edit control, number editor and currency editor) can now be colorized (see screenshot1 and screenshot2).
  • Added the following new properties:
    • CExtEditWithBehavior::CBehaviorMasked::CharRule::m_clrSymbol
    • CExtEditMasked::m_clrDefault
    • CExtEditWithBehavior::m_clrRichTextNormal
    • CExtEditWithBehavior::m_clrRichTextReadOnly
    • CExtEditWithBehavior::m_clrRichTextDisabled
    • CExtEditWithBehavior::m_clrRichBackNormal
    • CExtEditWithBehavior::m_clrRichBackReadOnly
    • CExtEditWithBehavior::m_clrRichBackDisabled


  • CExtTreeCtrl now supports the TVM_SETINSERTMARK message and the following notifications:
    • NM_CLICK
  • CExtHeaderCtrl now supports the following notifications:
  • Added a CExtComboBoxBase::m_bUseCaseSensitiveAutoComplete property to turn on/off case sensitive autocompletion in the combo box control.
  • Added a set of CExtBitmap::OlePictureLoad() overloaded methods to load images of different formats into a CExtBitmap object using the OleLoadPicture() OLE API.
  • Added a CExtGridBaseWnd::SelectionOptimize() virtual method to minimize the number of selection rectangles used in grid controls.
  • Split buttons with auto-changeable command identifiers in ribbon controls now support screen tip auto-changing for the command part of the split button (see the CExtCustomizeCmdTreeNode::CmdScreenTipFindForDisplaying() method).
  • Added a __EPCWS_USE_SCROLLBAR_CTRL style to the CExtPageContainerWnd class to allow you to use a scroll bar common control for scrolling the content of pages.
  • Added a CExtBarButton::IsPaintDropDown() virtual method to provide a look of a simple push button for a drop-down button in a toolbar or in a ribbon.
  • Office 2003 theme on Vista now uses blue colors similar to those under the Luna theme on Windows XP.
  • Parameter bSelect in CExtTreeCtrl::SelectItem() is now set to true by default.
  • Added eTouchInside and eTouchOutside values to the e_ImageMode_t enumeration to stretch an image proportionally in a CExtLabel or CExtGridCellPictureBase control.
  • Added a feature to CExtTabWnd to display the shape of the drag-and-dropped tab item. Added the following styles and virtual method:
    • CExtTabWnd::OnTabWndDrawDraggedTabItemContent()
  • Added a __EGCS_EX_MULTILINE_TEXT grid cell style to provide multi-line support without word wrapping.
  • Added a CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemHideSubTree() method to show/hide all tree items in a subtree.
  • CExtPropertyGridWnd now supports VK_TAB-based navigation through property values, property categories and neighboring controls on a dialog window.
  • Added a CExtBarButton::CtrlDetach() method to detach a window from a toolbar button.
  • Added a new CExtRibbonBar::m_bUniqueButtonsInQATB property to keep only unique buttons in the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Added a bVisibleOnly parameter to the CExtRibbonPage::RibbonQuickAccessButton_***() methods to easier enumerate both initial and customized Quick Access Toolbar buttons.
  • Added CExtBitmap::Clipboard_***() methods and CExtBitmap::g_strExtBitmapClipboardFormatName static variable to support clipboard operations in CExtBitmap bitmaps.
  • CExtHeaderCtrl::OnHeaderItemClick() is now called on any mouse button click and features a new nMouseButton parameter.
  • Added a bSetSel parameter to the CExtEditWithBehavior::CBehaviorBase::Behavior_GetValidText() method.
  • Added a CExtGridCell::CompareEx() virtual method to ease cell comparison. For instance, you can now only dates when a report grid is being grouped and compare both dates and times when it is being sorted.

Bug Fixes

  • The Customize Quick Access Toolbar dialog and the dialog that allows you to customize keyboard shortcuts now contain only unique commands.
  • Grid cells in a print preview did not take up the unneeded space for the grid cell buttons which were not printed.
  • Fixed a bug in CExtTreeGridWnd when after removing some tree rows under deep nestled collapsed tree rows, it crashed.
  • CExtTreeCtrl in single selection mode now does not allow you to select multiple items with VK_CONTROL and left mouse button click.
  • Fixed a bug in the Unicode version of the CExtHeaderCtrl control related to its column resizing algorithm.
Previous: Version 2.85