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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » XP Issue? Collapse All
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Ed Kennedy Jun 17, 2005 - 1:12 PM

I’ve just rebuilt my workstation moving from Win2K to WinXP.  I’ve found that when I run my app and it gets to the point of creating the CExtStatusControlBar it fails.  GetLastError returns 0x0000007F ( The specified procedure could not be found.)  Runs fine on Win2K though.  Any ideas?

Technical Support Jun 17, 2005 - 1:41 PM

There is not enough information in your message to come to any conclusion about the cause of the problem. It seems like you compiled the library with one compiler (e.g. VS 6.0) and your app with another (e.g. VS NET). Could you check this? Which version of Prof-UIS do you use? Could you compile your app and the library in debug mode and tell us where exactly this error occurs?