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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » What is RDE compile option? Collapse All
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ki okju Jan 12, 2006 - 8:28 PM


 I can see in RDE compile option in VS.NET.

 What is RDE compile option?

 ex) ’ANSI Debug RDE’ configuration...

Technical Support Jan 13, 2006 - 12:10 PM

RDE stands for Regular DLL Extension.

There are two types of MFC DLL extensions: EXE extensions and Regular DLL Extension.

You can use Prof-UIS both in your MFC based EXE projects and in Regular DLL projects. The most often created MFC based regular DLL projects are MFC ActiveX projects. Unfortunately, it is not possible to code one MFC extension DLL for using both in EXE and in regular DLL. That is why we have to support a set of RDE configurations. If you decide to use Prof-UIS in your project, then you need to simply include the Prof-UIS.h file into your StdAfx.h file. This should be done both in an EXE project and in a regular DLL project. So, just having included the Prof-UIS.h file, to completely integrate Prof-UIS with your EXE project. But in regular DLL you need to do two things more:

1) Define the __PROF_UIS_FOR_REGULAR_DLL preprocessor symbol in the settings of your regular DLL project.

2) Invoke the following code in the InitInstance() method of the CWinApp-derived class:

If your regular DLL uses the RDE configuration of the ProfAuto library, then you should also invoke: