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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Upgrading to v.2.51 Collapse All
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Suhai Gyorgy Dec 19, 2005 - 4:38 AM


We have Prof-UIS v.2.43 installed and we decided to upgrade to v.2.51 because of some bugs preventing us from going further in our development. What are the main steps for upgrading? We have VS2003 installed. I’ve read in version history that your new help file is integrated with the Visual Studio Combined Help Collection. Do we have to use 2.50 installation package then? If so, do we have to uninstall v.2.43 before? And after installing v.2.50, should we just simply overwrite all source files with the ones found in v.2.51 zip file and recompile prof-uis.lib?

Thank you for your help!

P.S.: I know I’ve asked this several times already, but is there an approximate date when customization with statically linked library will be avaliable? We would really need that. Thanks.

Technical Support Dec 19, 2005 - 6:43 AM

Prof-UIS 2.51 has many new features and the help integrated with VSCHC, so to upgrade to the new version sounds reasonable. Please note that Prof-UIS 2.51 is an intermediate release, so the help remains the same as in Prof-UIS 2.50.

First, you need to uninstall the previous version. Then you can follow the steps your described yourself. Or you can just run the installer for 2.51 (we just made it available for download from the download page. After installing the library, please run the Integration Wizard.

As for the customization availability in the statically linked library, we have already done this but there is some final testing left to be done. So, this will be available in Prof-UIS 2.52 and, by adding one line of code, you will be able to make the Prof-UIS resources available in your statically linked application. We plan to finish up this testing in a few days and will notify you about that as the code is available for download.

Suhai Gyorgy Dec 19, 2005 - 7:16 AM

Great news! Knowing this we’d rather wait for v.2.52 then, just as we planned before. I’m guessing upgrading to 2.52 will require the same steps (probably at the very beginning you won’t have the installation package for 2.52, so we’ll go for the "install 2.51 and replace source code" version of upgrade)

Thank you,