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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Updating the CExtReportGridWnd. Collapse All
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Eric Houvenaghel Aug 25, 2006 - 2:25 PM

Is there a way to tell the CExtReportGridWnd to update itself?
For example, imagine I drag and drop several columns into the grouping area.
Then, I add a new row to the grid.
The row will be added at the bottom and the grouping structure won’t be applied to this new row.
Now, if I click on one of the columns in the grouping area, the grid applies the grouping structure to the new row.
Any ideas?


Technical Support Aug 26, 2006 - 7:03 AM

The report grid does not update its tree layout automatically when sorting/grouping is applied and you added a new row. The reason is that adding several rows would greatly reduced the overall performance if the layout was updated after adding each row. So, to update the layout manually, just invoke the CExtReportGridWnd::ReportSortOrderUpdate() method.