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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » UpdateFromToolBar Collapse All
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Daniel Tiedy Nov 3, 2003 - 4:34 PM

I think I may be missing something, but it ould seem by default that the m_sMenuText should be initially set to the m_sToolbarText, or if m_sMenuText is empty the menu drawer should use the m_sToolbarText. The sToolbarText is exactly the text I would like to see if a user drug a button onto a menuitem. By default right now I only get an Icon for all my buttons when the sToolbarText is exactly what I would have like to seen with the icon in the menu anyways. I believe the reverse works fine, if I drag a menu item to a toolbar I get the sMenuText is I do not have m_sToolbarText. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance!

Technical Support Nov 4, 2003 - 6:59 AM

Dear Daniel,

Prof-UIS supports two different text strings for each command. First is used only in menus. Second - only in toolbars. In the non-customizable app you can see text on command item (in menu or toolbar) only if appropriate value is assigned to CExtCmdItem (m_sMenuText or m_sToolbarText). The same algorithm is used in the customizable app, but commands also have display style ("Basic", "Text only (always)", "Text only (in menu)" and "Text and icon"). Customization subsystem holds modified texts of each command (both for toolbar and menu), non-modified texts and edited icon. So, it is possible to assign all the text properties for all the commands but display only in some of them (by applying appropriate display style). Of course, writing menu/toolbar initialization code and setting up all the command properties takes some time because standard menu/toolbar editors in Visual Studio does not provide developer with ability to edit and use MS Office like UI.