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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Total width size of grid, including borders, how to get. Collapse All
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Andrew Banks Feb 1, 2007 - 6:15 PM

Total width size of grid, including borders, how to get.

Technical Support Feb 2, 2007 - 4:48 AM

You can get the width of a column using OnSiwQueryItemExtentH()and the height using OnSiwQueryItemExtentV(). The total width and height of the grid can be calculated by summing up all the returned values plush the width and/or height of outer rows/columns (OuterRowHeightGet() and OuterColumnWidthGet()). You can get the number of outer rows and columns using OuterRowCountTopGet(), OuterRowCountBottomGet(), OuterColumnCountLeftGet() and OuterColumnCountRightGet(). And the number of inner rows and columns using the RowCountGet() and ColumnCountGet() methods.

The grid window does not implement any borders. The borders of data and header cells are inner parts of these cells. The grid window borders are provided by the default window procedure. You can compute them by retrieving grid window and client rectangle and finding differences between them.