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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » ToolTip is far away from Button Collapse All
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Stefan Wachsmann Jun 6, 2006 - 3:09 PM

Dear Support,

with the new Version of Prof-UIS (2.54) I have the following Problem:

The ToolTips are still working, but they are far away from buttons. The ToolTips in the samples too (I tested DRAWCLI-m.exe from the samplecollection and one created on my own from the workspace)!

The distance from the mouse-hotspot to the upperleft coner of the tooltip is 72 pixel instead of the standard 20 pixel!

Is there any posibility to overwrite this distance-Value? I use the standard of 32x32 pixel for the buttonimages and didn’t change the sample-settings.

With version 2.53 this problem didn’t arise!

I use MDE version 7.0

Thank you for your help

Technical Support Jun 7, 2006 - 10:52 AM

When the mouse pointer is moving over toolbar buttons, at least one starts tracking the timeout to display the tooltip window. The tooltip window is displayed at the location which is computed using the following rule:

1) We get the position where the mouse pointer started hovering over the toolbar button.

2) We extract the icon information from the currently installed cursor handle.

3) We use the position saved at the point 1 but moving the Y location to the bottom by the number of pixels equal to the height of the cursor’s bitmap computed at the point 2.

The computed position corresponds to the top-left corner of the tooltip window.

We do not see any problem with this in Prof-UIS 2.54. There was only one improvement in Prof-UIS 2.54 related to the location of the tooltip window on the screen: if the toolbar window is docked at the bottom, then tooltips appear at the top side of the toolbar’s buttons. But we do not think this improvement relates to the problem described in your message.

We guess, the problem with the tooltip location on your desktop may be caused by using some custom cursor set where the classic arrow cursor replaced with something looking as 20x20 pixels but implemented in 64x64 bitmaps in the .CUR file. We believe we will be able to help you if you provide us with more details. Making the tooltip window location configurable is not a problem and we can provide you with the source code update.