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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Tool tips for sliders Collapse All
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Courtney Smith Aug 9, 2006 - 11:23 AM

Is there a way that you can set the tooltips for sliders different from the range values. Example: A slider with 0-6, we would like to have tic marks every value and the tool tips should read like 10 mins, 20 mins,...... 60 mins. Is there an easy way to do this?

Courtney Smith Aug 16, 2006 - 7:29 AM

The tooltip would depend on the current slider position. The value for the slider would be from 0-6. When they move the slider to position 2 (with or with out tick marks) would would like to display "20 mins", when the user moves the slider to position 5, we would like the slider tooltips to show "50 mins". Thanks,

Technical Support Aug 16, 2006 - 11:04 AM

We have coded a small application. The CTestDlg::CMySliderWnd class implements a slider with tooltip. This control is used in the main dialog window. The CTestDlg::OnHScroll() method handles when the slider’s position changes and updates tooltip text accordingly.

Technical Support Aug 10, 2006 - 5:21 AM

To help you with this, we need more details about slider tooltips. Do you mean tooltip text should depend on the current slider’s position? I.e., you hover a the current tick and can see the tooltip text corresponding to the tick, then you change the current slider position to another tick and can see other tooltip text. Or you mean the following: when you move the mouse pointer over ticks, the tooltip text changes accordingly? The third option is you change the slider’s position by dragging the thumb button and the tooltip text moves and changes accordingly?