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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Testing if a grid cell is selected/expanded Collapse All
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David Coleman Jun 22, 2005 - 9:39 AM

I have successfully created a function to change the text colour of a grid cell.

The issue I have is that I want the function to override the provided colour if the cell is selected or it is currently displaying expanded text.
I want the function to force the text colour to white if the cell/row is selected, and force it to black if the text is expanded. I have tried testing the __EGCPF_HIGHLIGHTED_BY_SELECTED_ROW style to check if a cell/row is selected but this does absolutely nothing!

Also how do I configure the grid to highlight a row when the mouse hovers over it?

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Technical Support Jun 23, 2005 - 10:04 AM

Try the code like this:

bool bHighlightPressing = 
) ? true : false;
if( bHighlightPressing )
      clrText = wndGrid.OnSiwGetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT );

As for highlighting, use the HoverHighlightSet method to specify highlighted cells when the mouse pointer hovers over them:
void HoverHighlightSet(
   bool bHighlightSingleCellsInner = true,
   bool bHighlightSingleCellsOuter = true,
   bool bHighlightColumnCellsInner = true,
   bool bHighlightColumnCellsOuter = true,
   bool bHighlightRowCellsInner = true,
   bool bHighlightRowCellsOuter = true