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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Tabbed CExtControlBar dock windows reappear after auto-hiding Collapse All
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Richard Chaney Jun 26, 2006 - 1:30 PM

The CExtControlBar dock windows behave differently to applications such as Visual Studio if docked into a tabbed container, then one of them is closed, then auto-hiding is enabled. The problem is produced like this :

1. Set CExtControlBar::g_bCloseOnlyOneBarInTabGroup = true.
2. Create 2 or 3 CExtControlBar dock windows and dock them into a tab contaniner using CExtControlBar::DockControlBarIntoTabbedContainer().
3. Close one of the dock windows.
4. Press the auto-hide icon and let the dock window hide itself. Notice the margin now shows the window which was closed in step 3.
5. Put the mouse over the margin and let the dock window pop up. Press the auto-hide icon again to keep the window open.
6. The window which was closed in step 3 is now visible again.

If the same process is applied in Visual Studio the closed window does NOT appear in the margin after auto-hiding is switched on, and it does NOT reappear when auto-hiding is switch off again.

I think Prof-UIS would be better if it followed the same behaviour as Visual Studio. Is this possible with the current version, or could it be changed in future versions?

Richard Chaney

Technical Support Jun 27, 2006 - 8:19 AM

Thank you for your comment. The current version treats control bars in the auto-hidden state differently from control bars in the invisible state. That is why the hidden bar has its tab item in the auto-hide tabs. We added your feature request to our to-do list.