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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Tab order Collapse All
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Thomas Maurer Jun 16, 2006 - 8:03 AM


I noticed that by selecting/activating certain MDI tabs the order of the tabs is not left->right anymore. In the following screenshot

If I press Ctrl-Tab the order is a.tif->c.tif->d.tif->b.tif->a.tif... instead of a->b->c->d

Why does this happen? Can I prevent this?

Thanks in advance


Technical Support Jun 17, 2006 - 11:09 AM

Actually we do not change the default behavior of the Ctrl+Tab key. We just handle the WM_MDIACTIVATE message to synchronize the active child widow with currently selected tab item. So this is standard behavior of the MDI application.

Thomas Maurer Jun 19, 2006 - 3:49 AM

Thank you for your answer. Of course you are right, I came to the same conclusion when I thought about it. Pressing Ctrl-Tab twice should get you back to the original document and so this order has to be modified.

However, in our scenario we would be glad if we could get our hands onto the physical list of mdi tabs. If I have a tab is there an easy way to find out which tab lies left/right of it? Or do I have to maintain this list myself?

Technical Support Jun 19, 2006 - 10:35 AM

You can override the WindowProc() virtual method and handle the Ctrl+Tab click event to implement custom window switching. Just get an index of the currently selected tab using the SelectionGet() method, increase the index, and activate the next tab using the SelectionSet() method.

Please note that each tab item has an HWND handle associated with it. This handle is a window handle of the child frame window. You can retrieve this handle with the ItemLParamGet() method.

Thomas Maurer Jun 20, 2006 - 3:16 AM

This works fine. Thank you very much.
