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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Strange issue - not sure if it is a bug or not Collapse All
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Chris Fudge Jun 3, 2005 - 6:51 AM

I have a strange situation but im not sure if it is a known issue with v2.32 (and whether it has been fixed in 2.33)

To replicate you I do the following -
You need 4 CExtControlBars one has the close button enabled , the other two do not. Tab up two of the windows with close buttons and tab up the other two together and dock them above the other two. Now drag the two top windows so they are tabbed with the other two.

The framwork enters a strange state and crashes if i try to close a Control bar panel.

Technical Support Jun 3, 2005 - 9:45 AM

Please let us know whether this crash occurs in any of our sample projects? Where is the execution point in your application when the crash happens? Does your application perform any operations during the idle time processing or on timers? If yes, do these actions send any WM_CANCELMODE messages to any window?