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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » RibbonBar MDI: tab page scrolling with mouse wheel Collapse All
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Oliver Rau Feb 8, 2008 - 3:37 AM

Dear ProfUIS-Team,

the main frame of our application is based on your RibbonBarMDI sample, using a scrollable editor for a child window.

When scrolling through the ribbon tab pages from left to right using the mouse wheel there appears a strange behaviour after having reached the last (rightmost) tab page: the wheel suddenly starts to scroll downward the loaded document. This happens while the mouse pointer has never left the focus of the ribbon bar.

If changing the direction of moving the wheel the tab pages immediately start to scroll backward from right to left. After having reached the first (leftmost) tab page the editor begins to scroll upward through the document.

It seems to me that the scroll events are left unhandled in the message queue while being invoked outside the tab page range, and therefore will be passed to the child window as long as the scroll direction doesn’t change.

Kind regards,


Technical Support Feb 9, 2008 - 1:41 AM

The mouse wheel scrolling is typically implemented using the MFC’s message pre-translation. So, you can pre-translate the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message in your editor view and completely eat it if the mouse pointer is over the editor. If you don’t do this, the wheel behavior should work like in a scrollable HTML page in a web browser: if there is nothing more to scroll in the text input, then the browser scrolls the entire HTML page.