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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Restore down/window resizing oddity Collapse All
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Jacquie Howard Apr 29, 2004 - 9:51 AM

I have an SDI project with two CExtControlBars, one docked at the top and one at the left - like Outlook.

The weird thing is when I restore down so the mainwindow is resizable, if I try to resize either of my CExtControlBars, it thinks I am resizing the main window.

Have you seen this phenomenon before - or is it me?  It wasn’t doing this before I converted to the new UI stuff.

Technical Support Apr 30, 2004 - 10:15 AM

Dear Jacquie,

We have never before come across such behavior of the main frame window. Could you send us your compiled application, test project or some screenshots?

Jacquie Howard May 3, 2004 - 9:16 AM

This turned out to be nothing at all to do with the windows or views - it was to do with timers.

My application has a timer that goes off every 300ms.  The CMainFrame::OnTimer method called CFrameWnd::OnTimer and if that happened whilst a docked CExtControlBar was being resized it somehow interfered with all the following MouseMove messages.

I fixed it by simply removing the call to CFrameWnd::OnTimer() with no apparent other side effects.