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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Resize in OnInitDialog Collapse All
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Eric Houvenaghel Sep 20, 2006 - 8:27 AM


I need to resize a dialog to a smaller size than its resource. I use this dialog in two cases, one with the original resource size, the other with smaller size with some controls that i hide or move.

Without Prof-UIS controls, resizing a dialog to a bigger or a smaller size is working. With Prof-UIS, resizing to a bigger size is working (and so your CExtResizableDialog::EnableSaveRestore() function is working well), but resizing to a smaller size make nothing: the dialog has the size of its original resource.

I think maybe you have made some protection to prevent from resizing smaller in a kind of CExtXXXImpl object!
How can i correct my problem?

Here is a small code part of the problem:

BOOL DlgNames::OnInitDialog()
	HICON hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(RPROD_MAINFRAME);
	SetIcon(hIcon, TRUE);
	SetIcon(hIcon, FALSE);

	if (m_SmallMode) {
		// Hide some controls we don’t need in small mode.
		// Move the OK button to be display in small mode.
		CRect rectPlaceOK;
		// Resize the dialog - smaller size.
		WINDOWPLACEMENT WindowPlacement;
		::ZeroMemory(&WindowPlacement, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT));
		WindowPlacement.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
		RECT& rc = WindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition;
		rc.right = rc.left + 280;
		rc.bottom = + 310;
		RedrawWindow(NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_ERASE|RDW_UPDATENOW |RDW_ALLCHILDREN|RDW_FRAME); // <-- With or without this line, the dialog still unrezise!
		// Anchor the controls (do it after having resize the dialog).
		AddAnchor(m_ButtonOK, __RDA_XY);

		// Enable dialog position save/restore.
		EnableSaveRestore(__PROF_UIS_PROJECT_DLG_PERSIST_REG_KEY, _T("DlgNames-SmallMode-Saved-Position")); // <-- Use a specific Entry name.
	else { // Not in small mode
		// No hide, no resize.
		// Anchor the controls.
		AddAnchor(m_ButtonAdd, CSize(50, 0));
		AddAnchor(m_ButtonOK, __RDA_XY);
		// Enable dialog position save/restore.
		EnableSaveRestore(__PROF_UIS_PROJECT_DLG_PERSIST_REG_KEY, _T("DlgNames-Saved-Position")); // <-- Use a specific Entry name.
	return TRUE;


Technical Support Sep 21, 2006 - 5:55 AM

The CExtResizableDialog class is derived from the CExtWA template class. So, you can use the CExtWA::SetMinTrackSize() method to specify any minimum size.