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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Remove previous versions? Collapse All
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Stephan Finkler Dec 21, 2004 - 3:36 AM

Do I have to remove previous versions?
I had problems to link the ProfUIS227ud.dll after I installed v2.27. After I removed v2.26 and v2.27 and installed v2.27 again I could link the dll.

Technical Support Dec 21, 2004 - 8:38 AM

Of course, you can have several versions of Prof-UIS installed on your computer but it is not convenient. If you use a certain version, you need to set Include/Source/Library paths in the settings of Visual Studio and compile any number of your projects. If you used several copies of different versions, then you would have to work with them in one of two ways:
- change the Include/Source/Library paths in the settings of Visual Studio each time when you need to compile a particular project;
- completely remove the Include/Source/Library paths from the settings of Visual Studio development environment and specify these paths in the settings for each particular project

We think that, in either of these cases, there is unproductive overhead and that is why the Prof-UIS installations detect previously installed versions and ask you to remove them first. Anyway, if you do need to use several copies of Prof-UIS, you can do this. You need to save a content of the Prof-UIS folder (of version 2.26) to somewhere and uninstall Prof-UIS 2.26. After that, you install 2.27 and use both copies as we have described above. Or you may not install any copy at all and send us a request so that we can send you any version of Prof-UIS packed to a ZIP file.