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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Refresh the CExtPropertyGridCtrl content Collapse All
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Damien Castelltort Sep 28, 2006 - 9:16 AM


I have a problem using CExtPropertyGridCtrl component. We are using the version 2.54.
I overloaded this class (let s call it PROPERTY_EDITOR) to allow me to instanciate my overloads of the CExtPropertyValue class (let s call it PROPERTY_VALUE).

I added two methods in the PROPERTY_EDITOR class :

SynchronizeFromObject() :

This method synchronizes the cell values from my object values. In this method, I make a call to the PropertyStoreSynchronize() method to update the cell content.

SynchronizeFromGUI() :

This method synchronizes my object values from the cell values. At the end of this method, I call the SynchronizeFromObject() method to refresh all the properties because some of my object values can be related to each other, it means that if I can edit properties A , B , C in the grid, changing value of property A can alter the values of the B and C properties. This method is called in the PROPERTY_VALUE :: Apply() method.

Let s take the example of a CExtGridVariantCell. The issue is that each time i modify the value of the cell using the spinbuttons, the SynchronizeFromGUI method is called, that calls to the SynchronizeFromObject method that performs a PropertyStoreSynchronize() method call. Thus i loose the focus on the edited cell.

Do you have a solution to Update the cells content without using the PropertyStoreSynchronize method

Best Regards

Technical Support Sep 28, 2006 - 11:16 AM

You can get the array of tree grid windows in the property grid control and find grid cells of a particular property value in all the grids:

CExtPropertyValue * pPropertyValue = . . .
CExtPropertyGridCtrl & _PGC = . . .
CTypedPtrArray < CPtrArray, CExtPropertyGridWnd * > arrGrids;
    _PGC.OnPgcQueryGrids( arrGrids );
INT nGridIdx = 0, nGridCount = INT( arrGrids.GetSize() );
    for( ; nGridIdx < nGridCount; nGridIdx ++ )
        CExtPropertyGridWnd * pGrid = arrGrids[ nGridIdx ];
        ASSERT_VALID( pGrid );
        HTREEITEM hTreeItem = pGrid->PropertyItemToTreeItem( pPropertyValue );
        if( hTreeItem == NULL )
        CExtGridCell * pGridCell = pGrid->ItemGetCell( hTreeItem, 1 );
        if( pGridCell == NULL )
        ASSERT_VALID( pGridCell );
        // modify pGridCell here and then redraw it if it is visible:
        LONG nRowNo = pGrid->ItemGetVisibleIndexOf( hTreeItem );
        if( nRowNo < 0 )
        CRect rc;
        if( pGrid->GridCellRectsGet( 1, nRowNo, 0, 0, NULL, &rc ) )
            CRect rcClient;
            pGrid->GetClientRect( &rcClient );
            rc.left = rcClient.left;
            rc.right = rcClient.right;
            pGrid->InvalidateRect( &rc );