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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » R/click anywhere overrides OnConstructPopupMenuCB() Collapse All
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Dave Kymlicka Apr 5, 2005 - 6:10 PM

Prior to ProfUIS 2.31, implementing CMainFrame::OnConstructPopupMenuCB() would override default r/click popup menu behvaiour.
Now, with c2.31, popup menus are appearing again. I can trace to: CExtDynamicBarHookSink::OnHookWndMsg().

Can you please suggest a good technique to gain control of pop-up menus again?

I interested disabling all your r/click pop-ups, except the following scenarios:
1. R/click in NCarea (only!) of CExtDynamicControlBar, when in __EDBS_FLOATING, __EDBS_DOCKED, and __EDBS_AUTO_HIDDEN states
2. r/click in MDI tabs of CExtDynamicControlBar when they are in __EDBS_DOCUMENT state.
3. r/click in vacant toolbar area

I’m sure other readers would also be interested in the more general approach/technique of how r/click should now be handled.

Technical Support Apr 7, 2005 - 11:36 AM

Dear Dave,

The behavior of the build-in popup menu control was not changed. You should be able to do with it everything you need as it is done in ProfStudio sample. As you know the CExtControlBar::g_nMsgConstructPopupMenu registered windows message passes a pointer to the CExtControlBar::POPUP_MENU_EVENT_DATA object in the WPARAM parameter. This object allows you to cancel pop-up menu tracking. If you do not need to display the pop-up menu on the screen, just remove all the items in pop-up menu. Here is an approximate solution:

LRESULT CMainFrame::OnConstructPopupMenuCB(
    WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
    ASSERT_VALID( this );
    lParam; // unused parameter
    CExtControlBar::POPUP_MENU_EVENT_DATA * p_pmed =
            FromWParam( wParam );
    ASSERT( p_pmed != NULL );
    ASSERT_VALID( p_pmed->m_pPopupMenuWnd );
    ASSERT_VALID( p_pmed->m_pWndEventSrc );
            GetSafeHwnd() != NULL
    ASSERT( ::IsWindow(
    if(   p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
      ||  p_pmed->m_nHelperNotificationType ==
        return 0;
    VERIFY( p_pmed->m_pPopupMenuWnd->ItemRemove() );
    return (!0);

Dave Kymlicka Apr 9, 2005 - 5:26 PM

Perfect, just what I needed - thanks!

I found this chunk of code in another posting, should I also use it in the code you’ve provided above? If so, where? Can you explain its purpose?

if( p_pmed->m_bPostNotification )
return 0;


Technical Support Apr 10, 2005 - 10:54 AM

The lines of code above have nothing to do with your task and you should not use this code. Each build-in menu’s/submenu’s construction message is sent twice to the main frame window. At first, the menu is empty and the p_pmed->m_bPostNotification flag is set to false. Here you can construct appropriate menus from scratch and return a non-zero value to prevent the second message to be sent. Otherwise, return zero. The second time, the menu is constructed by default and p_pmed->m_bPostNotification is set to true. In this case you can modify the default built-in menu. In any case, if the final menu is empty, it is not displayed.

Dave Kymlicka Apr 11, 2005 - 12:50 PM

Excellent, now I understand.
Thank you!