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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Question CExtContorlBar Collapse All
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tera tera Aug 31, 2008 - 10:06 PM


I want to let only upper and under sides dock in ControlBar.

Technical Support Sep 23, 2008 - 5:47 AM

We didn’t include this feature into the drag-n-dropping algorithm for control bars. In fact, it’s hardly possible to restrict position of any control bar to particular sides of the main frame window because the user can dock control bars into tabbed group and the tabbed group can contain bars with different location restrictions. As result, it’s hardly possible to determine where this tabbed group can be docked and where not. The same problem is with complex floating mini frame windows contain many resizable control bars inside.

tera tera Sep 19, 2008 - 12:52 AM


Please answer.