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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » PropertyGrid indenting Collapse All
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Suhai Gyorgy Dec 22, 2006 - 4:52 AM

Dear Support,

I have 2 questions related to PropertyGrid’s indenting.

1. I have some compound property values. The names of the children of the compound property are indented a little bit, not starting at the left side of their cells. I can see this also in your CompoundProperty sample, but in that sample I can’t see any option that would change this appearance. Is there a way I can have the name cells of these compound-part properties not indented? (this problem relates to the text’s indenting inside the cell)

2. Also I have a category with some compound properties inserted into it (you also have that in your CompoundProperty sample). If I set the CExtPropertyGridWndCategorized grid’s m_nConstantIndent value to -1, the indent should depend on every item’s nested level, as the Help says. This works great in your PropertyGrid sample with the simple properties inserted into some category, but in the CompoundProperty sample with the compound properties, I can’t see the indent acting as supposed to. The compound properties are indented to the same level as the category they are inserted into. Is it intentional to behave like that? (this problem relates to the cell’s indenting inside the grid)

Thank you for all your help,

Technical Support Dec 22, 2006 - 10:29 AM

The m_nConstantIndent property is related to the indent of property categories. There is no built-in property for compound property indent and that is why you cannot find such check boxes in the CompoundProperties sample. If you have more than two nested levels of property categories we would not recommend you remove indents. We did not implement the possibility controlling indentation for compound properties because very large and very small indents make them less user friendly.

Suhai Gyorgy Jan 2, 2007 - 8:32 AM

I didn’t really understand what you were trying to suggest to me in your last post. I don’t have more than 2 nested levels of property category. Here’s a picture of what my property control looks like.

As you can see, the compound property ("First Text") is indented the same as its parent ("Text" category) and also the same as the compound property on root level ("Bounds"). This is little confusing. I’d like "First Text" to be indented one more level. Meaning: indention should be counted from the tree box of the compound value, not the text of it. The compound property on root level acts like this, but the compound property on lower levels does not.

Everything I wrote in this post refers to question #2 of my first post. Please, forget about question #1.

Technical Support Jan 14, 2007 - 12:41 PM

We are sorry for the delay with this reply, Chris. We mean the following:

CExtPropertyGridCtrl * pPGC = . . .
INT nConstantIndent = g_PaintManager.UiScalingDo( 20, CExtPaintManager::__EUIST_Y );
CTypedPtrArray < CPtrArray, CExtPropertyGridWnd * > arrGrids;
    pPGC->OnPgcQueryGrids( arrGrids );
INT nGridIdx, nGridCount = INT( arrGrids.GetSize() );
    for( nGridIdx = 0; nGridIdx < nGridCount; nGridIdx ++ )
        CExtPropertyGridWnd * pPGW = arrGrids[ nGridIdx ];
        ASSERT_VALID( pPGW );
        pPGW->m_nConstantIndent = nConstantIndent;