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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Problem with integration wizard and visual c++ 6.0 Collapse All
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LEANDRO GUZMAN Jun 27, 2006 - 4:33 PM

Hi there, I have visual c++ 6.0 and i have no problem using prof uis (manual config), but the integration wizard did not detect my visual c++

Technical Support Jun 28, 2006 - 10:01 AM

The Integration Wizard detects Visual C++ 6.0 by checking the following key in the system registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup\Microsoft Visual C++

The ProductDir string value of this key should exist and point to the valid folder where Visual C++ 6.0 is installed.

You can easily integrate Prof-UIS with Visual C++ 6.0 without the wizard:

1) Run Visual C++ 6.0 IDE.

2) Invoke the Tools | Options menu and select the Directories tab.

3) Add the .../Prof-UIS/Include folder to the Include folders list.

4) Add the .../Prof-UIS/Include and .../Prof-UIS/Src folder to the Source folders list.

5) Add the .../Prof-UIS/Bin_600 folder to the Library folders list.

6) Open the .../Prof-UIS/Workspace/ProfUIS_600.dsw workspace and compile the required configurations of the ProfUISDLL and/or ProfUISLIB projects. The LIB and/or DLL files will appear in the .../Prof-UIS/Bin_600 folder and will be available in other projects because we added this folder into the Library folders list.

7) Compile the required configurations of secondary projects if you need them (ProfAuto, ProfSkinLIB, ProfSkinDLL, LibPNG, Zlib).

8) Now you are able to compile the same configurations of your projects and our sample applications.

9) To integrate the Prof-UIS application Wizard into Visual C++ 6.0 you should copy the .../Prof-UIS/Support/ProfUisAppWizard.awx file into the same folder where other .AWX files can be found. Typically into the C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/Common/MSDev98/Bin/IDE folder. The Prof-UIS Application Wizard become visible in the list of all wizards of Visual C++ 6.0.