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Ramesh Sojitra
Jan 24, 2009 - 7:08 AM
Hi, I have following problems in my application. I am using Prof-UIS 2.84 version 1. I have a dialog application. In this I have scrollbar with class CExtScrollBar. I am not getting SB_LINEUP event in case of vertical scrollbar & SB_LINELEFT event in case of horizontal scrollbar. & scrollbar draw problem. 2. In dialog If I Keep SetPaneText() of statusbar in thread, it asserts & finally crashes the application in debug mode. 3. If I keep status bar in dialog having Style “Dialog Frame”. Then status bar border isn’t drawn properly at right-bottom corner (In gripper place). This case is with theme name “CExtPaintManagerOffice2003”. 4. In my MDI application. Each time I track through menu item it calls OnDraw() of CView class & it refreshes view. Again On switching between views it calls OnDraw() function for all the views (I need only for active view ). 5. If any problem is there in Pro-UIS dialog controls, then please send us the issues because currently we are to upgrade our dialog application from MFC control classes to Prof-UIS control classes. 6.I want to insert slider controls in toolbar vertically so it takes less space. what is the procedure for that?