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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » popup menuitems submenus disable enable OnExtMenuPrepare Collapse All
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Stephan Finkler May 2, 2005 - 5:21 AM


how can I disable/enable a popup menu in a menu?

1) In OnExtMenuPrepare I tried

INT Pos = pPopup->ItemFindByText(_T("My_PopupMenuItem"));
if(Pos != -1) {
CExtPopupMenuWnd::MENUITEMDATA & _md = pPopup->ItemGetInfo( Pos );

but it does not work. It only works for MenuItems with Cmds.

By the way, I don’t like to find the item by text.
Is it possible to get the pos by ItemFindPosForCmdID.

2) Nice would be to handle that in an on_update_command_ui.

Thanks for your help

Technical Support May 3, 2005 - 8:38 AM

The pop-up submenu items cannot be optionally disabled and we cannot make use MFC’s command updating mechanism because in this case all Prof-UIS users would have to add command updating handlers for all pop-up submenu items. In non-customizable applications pop-up submenu items have no command identifiers at all, i.e. their command identifiers are equal to -1 that indicates this menu item type is a pop-up submenu. So, you cannot lookup/find pop-up submenu items by their command identifiers in this case. In case of customizable applications pop-up submenu items are based on command tree nodes of the Prof-UIS customization subsystem called "customize site". The command identifiers of the command tree nodes corresponding to the pop-up submenu items can be generated by your code if you construct command trees manually. In fact, in 99.9999% cases the command identifiers OF pop-up command tree nodes for pop-up submenu menu items are generated on-the-fly automatically by Prof-UIS framework when loading menu resources. As you know, pop-up submenu items in Win32 menu resources have no unique command identifiers at all. So, finding pop-up submenu items in customizable applications by their command identifiers is possible but a bit complicated and inconvenient. In any case, before you are able to disable pop-up sub-menu items, we will need to find a way for smooth and safe integration of your task with MFC’s command updating mechanism.