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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Performance issue with floating, dockable CExtDynamicControlBars Collapse All
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Hans Bergmeister Feb 20, 2007 - 2:08 AM


we face a performance issue with floating, dockable CExtDynamicControlBars. When such bars are being dragged over areas, where they can be docked to other windows, they move a bit "sticky". This effect can be seen also on 3.0 GHz machines and it happens also with your MDI_DynamicBars sample.

The effect does not occur, if the CExtDynamicControlBars are changed from "dockable" to "floating". In this case the bars move smoothly and fast.

Thus there seems to be something in Prof-UIS related to dragging of dockable bars, that causes this effect.

Is there something we can do on our side to improve the performance of this feature?

Technical Support Feb 22, 2007 - 9:49 AM

There are lots of assertion statements and other checks in the source code to make the library robust and reliable. So the debug versions are much slower than release ones.