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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » OnNcAreaButtonsReinitialize() settings get clobbered when tab-docked Collapse All
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Dave Kymlicka Apr 4, 2005 - 8:10 PM

Following advice in Forum posts to control which buttons are displayed in CExtDynamicControlBar, I override CExtDynamicControlBar::OnNcAreaButtonsReinitialize().

However, if I tab-dock any control bars, the following method gets called, and creates buttons that I didn’t want. Can you suggest how I can get around this problem?

void CExtDynamicTabbedControlBar::OnNcAreaButtonsReinitialize()
    ASSERT_VALID( this );
INT nCountOfNcButtons = NcButtons_GetCount();
    if( nCountOfNcButtons > 0 )
    NcButtons_Add( new CExtDynamicBarNcAreaButtonClose(this) );
    NcButtons_Add( new CExtDynamicBarNcAreaButtonAutoHide(this) );
    NcButtons_Add( new CExtDynamicBarNcAreaButtonMenu(this) );

Here’s a sample call-stack when I perform some code-driven tab-docking (as opposed to drag-n-drop), if it is of any use to you.

CExtDynamicTabbedControlBar::OnNcAreaButtonsReinitialize() line 4944
CExtControlBar::OnNcCalcSize(int 1, tagNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS * 0x0012ebe8) line 6753 + 22 bytes
CExtDynTabControlBar::OnNcCalcSize(int 1, tagNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS * 0x0012ebe8) line 1177
CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int 131, unsigned int 1, long 1240040, long * 0x0012e9e4) line 1950
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 131, unsigned int 1, long 1240040) line 1585 + 30 bytes
CControlBar::WindowProc(unsigned int 131, unsigned int 1, long 1240040) line 480 + 20 bytes
CExtControlBar::WindowProc(unsigned int 131, unsigned int 1, long 1240040) line 6043
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x01fe2f70, HWND__ * 0x003107f8, unsigned int 131, unsigned int 1, long 1240040) line 215 + 26 bytes
AfxWndProc(HWND__ * 0x003107f8, unsigned int 131, unsigned int 1, long 1240040) line 368
AfxWndProcBase(HWND__ * 0x003107f8, unsigned int 131, unsigned int 1, long 1240040) line 220 + 21 bytes
USER32! 77e11ef0()
USER32! 77e13869()
USER32! 77e1677c()
NTDLL! 77f9ff57()
CExtControlBar::DockControlBarIntoTabbedContainer(CExtControlBar * 0x01fd1d10 {CToolWnd hWnd=???}, int -1, CFrameWnd * 0x01fb77d8 {CMainFrame hWnd=???}, unsigned char 1) line 15824

Dave Kymlicka Apr 4, 2005 - 8:24 PM

Perhaps I should also mention: the unwanted buttons go away once the affected control bars are no longer tab-docked.

Technical Support Apr 6, 2005 - 2:52 AM

To get control over the caption buttons in tabbed bar containers, you need to make Prof-UIS using your own CExtDynamicTabbedControlBar-derived class which should manage its buttons. This class is also kind of CExtControlBar. Just override the CExtDynamicBarSite::OnDbsCreateTabbedBarInstance() virtual method and return an instance of your tabbed bar container:

CExtDynamicTabbedControlBar *
CMainFrame::OnDbsCreateTabbedBarInstance() const
   ASSERT( this != NULL );
   CExtDynamicTabbedControlBar * pBar =
      new C_YOUR_DynamicTabbedControlBar;
   return pBar;
This method has been added to the new implementation of the CExtDynamicBarSite class, which we sent you be e-mail.