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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » No Application Wizard Support for Visual Studio 2005 UI Theme? Collapse All
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Akash Kava Jan 28, 2005 - 2:14 PM

I just downloaded new version of Prof-UIS , and i uninstalled previous version and installed and integrated new version but still i found that new application wizard is same as old one. It generates code only for earlier 3 UI styles supported. No support for Visual Studio 2005 style?

Also Visual Studio 2005’s Theme is missing resizable bar’s color scheme, it still shows up old visual studio 6’s style of property box etc. It doesnt have gradiant look and feel in some of test application i saw.

Visual Studio 2005’s propery box, toolbox background etc is gradiant where else in Prof UIS its not gradiant, its just simple background color.

Technical Support Jan 31, 2005 - 4:49 AM

Thank you for your comments! Please run the Prof-UIS Integration Wizard and uninstall the Prof-UIS Application Wizard from all versions of Visual Studio installed on your computer. Then download the following files:

and put them into the ...\Prof-UIS\Support\ folder which is typically at C:\Program Files\FOSS Software Inc\Prof-UIS\Support\. Now run the Prof-UIS Integration Wizard and install the Prof-UIS Application Wizard for required Visual Studio(s).

The Toolbox window in Visual Studio 2005 is simpler than the CExtToolBoxWnd control in Prof-UIS. Toolbox 2005 can be created as a tree control whose background is repainted. This is quite easy and we believe there is no need to add it to Prof-UIS as a new control. If you need such a tree window, we can help you code it.

Akash Kava Feb 3, 2005 - 12:22 AM click on this link and see the picture. Does it look a simple background or gradient background to you?

Also your resizable bar area (where bar shrinks and becomes tab) is very big, look here the edge of tab and the other window difference, its hardly 1 pixel , where else after your bars are shrunk in tabs it loooks very odd it seems more area is occupied then required look at studio 2005’s distance.

Technical Support Feb 9, 2005 - 11:39 AM

We just uploaded Prof-UIS 2.28.7 to our website. It includes the toolbox like in Visual Studio 2005 you requested. Please download and use it. We hope it is exactly what you need.

Technical Support Feb 7, 2005 - 1:30 AM

Dear Akash,

Thank you for your comments! The Visual Studio 2005-like tabs and toolbox are in our todo list and we will try to add these features in the next version of Prof-UIS.