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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » more speed!! Collapse All
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Shoji Ueda Jan 10, 2006 - 6:47 PM

Hi There,

I bought Prof-UIS on December and I spend considerable time on the sample codes.
I have found that in that sample code, it tooks some time (not short) in the initialization part.
Here is my question. How can I get more efficent initialization to get more speed?

Best regards,
Shoji Ueda

Technical Support Jan 11, 2006 - 9:14 AM

The startup speed of a Prof-UIS-based application depends both on its design and UI complexity. Small applications like SDI and MDI starts up fast. Large applications like ProfStudio are starting slow and display a splash screen to show actions being performed. In all cases with slow startup, the application is initializing a large number of controls or data. The SimpleGrids sample application initializes content of all the grid window. The GLViews sample applications initializes Open GL library and 3D scene data. Some samples use the Internet Explorer COM control (to display the help HTML page) which is big and complex . All the things together relates to the startup speed. In most cases it is possible to create the application that appears on the screen immediately. If you want to speed up your project, then we can discuss your UI design and provide you with advice.