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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Menu font size Collapse All
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Oliver Apr 22, 2003 - 4:33 AM

When I change the menu font size with the public property CExtPaintManager::m_FontNormal, the height of popup menu items and the menu bar are not recalculated and they are uses a fixed height.

How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to set the height manually?

Best regards,

Customer Support Team May 3, 2003 - 8:04 AM

Dear Oliver,

Indeed, in version 2.21 the size of any menu item is calculated automatically and cannot be set individually. The CExtPaintManager::m_FontNormal member specifies the system font used for drawing menu items. The reason for such rigid binding of menu sizes to the system font was to allow the developer create standard, well defined user interfaces.

Nevertheless, we have now improved the situation by enabling the developer to modify CExtPaintManager::m_FontNormal and values associated with it on-the-fly. This feature will be available in version 2.22.

Please, let us know if you need the feature immediately and we will send you renewed sources and a sample at once.

Oliver May 6, 2003 - 8:58 AM

Thanks for your reply.

It is urgent for me th get a solution immediately. Can you mail me the renewed sources and the sample.

Best regards,

Customer Support Team May 6, 2003 - 9:20 AM

Dear Oliver,

Today we will send you all the files you need.