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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » MDI tab does not work in 2.92 Collapse All
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Offer Har Sep 18, 2011 - 1:54 PM

Dear Support,

We create MDI tab in our main frame. In 2.92 it is not displayed. Same code in 2.90 does display the MDI tab.

This is the code with which we create the MDI tab in the OnCreate of the main frame:

        m_wndMdiTabs.Create(this, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), UINT(IDC_STATIC),
            WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, nTabMdiPlacement);

        m_wndMdiTabs.ModifyTabWndStyleEx(0, __ETWS_EX_CLOSE_ON_TABS|__ETWS_EX_CLOSE_ON_SELECTED_ONLY);
        m_wndMdiTabs.ModifyTabWndStyle(0, __ETWS_ITEM_DRAGGING|__ETWS_EX_TAB_SHAPE_ITEM_DRAGGING);

What was changed? Is it a know bug? Can you please check and see if there is a problem there?



Technical Support Sep 22, 2011 - 2:07 PM

There is a "feature" in MFC 8.0 and later. If you are using the standard IDC_STATIC constant as a dialog control identifier of some window which should be docked to some side of parent window, then the IDC_STATIC window is not docked and typically invisible. Please use any constant but IDC_STATIC.

Offer Har Sep 25, 2011 - 9:06 AM

Thanks, problem solved.

By the way - it did work in VS2005, it stopped working only in VS2010.