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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Is the customised menu / toolbar info flexible Collapse All
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Malcolm D Apr 1, 2008 - 6:44 PM

Is the customised menu / toolbar info flexible enough to cope with changes in the application and the version of ProfUIS library?

E.G. will using a new version of teh profUIS library cause problems that will mean the previously stored customisation will not be able to be used.

E.G. 2 : If menus or toolbars are added ( by use the developers) to the application, will the previously stored archive be able to be read. I understand loading the customisation might mean they might not get menu modifications, but can the state stil be loaded?


Technical Support Apr 3, 2008 - 12:47 PM

The serialized data format for all the Prof-UIS components does not depend on a Prof-UIS version. So, the same project with customizable toolbars and menus can be compiled with different Prof-UIS versions using 32-bit or 64-bit target. A state saved by a 32-bit application can be loaded by a 64-bit version of the same application and vice versa. But customization subsystem by default requires matching between commands and basic toolbars created in the main frame window and state data. It’s possible to allocate and use dynamic commands as it is demonstrated in the Pluggable sample. This application scans for plugin DLLs and allocates commands for each of them. The number of available DLLs can be different during each next start of the Pluggable sample because it tracks the dynamic plugin commands. It’s also possible to let the ProfAuto library do hard work relating to dynamic command support. This library provides a set of COM wrapper objects for customizable toolbars and menus. This is convenient if you are going to create extensible applications and code plugins using some scripting language which supports COM objects (OLE automation). There is a ActiveScripts sample that demonstrates how to use the active scripting library for running Java Script or VB Script code which modifies customizable toolbars and menus and handles command events. This approach is similar to VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) integration inside MS Office programs.

Malcolm D Apr 3, 2008 - 5:09 PM

I presume when you same "not dependant on a Prof-UIS version" you mean say between 2.7 and 2.8 and 2.8.2 for exmaple - this is what I am interested in.

I think you are also saying that if a menu is modified ( in code)  then previously saved states can’t be loaded or used. Or does it just require the same toolbars (but not the same items on it), and just the same commands, but the positions in the menu don’t matter?


Technical Support Apr 9, 2008 - 7:51 AM

There is no data format dependency between different versions of Prof-UIS. We solved this issue many releases ago.

The same number of toolbars/menus is restored by the code that loads the customization subsystem’s state before you load the state of control bars.