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Offer Har
Jan 30, 2009 - 7:43 AM
Hi, I have a intermediate check-box for a menu item, and it hardly noticeable from the normal checked items (last item vs the other items): Can you please make it clearer that this item is in intermedialte state? Thanks, Ron.
Technical Support
Feb 9, 2009 - 1:35 PM
Please find the following code in the CExtPaintManagerXP::PaintMenuItemIcon() method:
else if( _pmid.m_bIndeterminate )
clrIconBkHilight =
And replace it with the following code: else if( _pmid.m_bIndeterminate )
clrIconBkHilight =
Offer Har
Feb 9, 2009 - 9:13 PM
Dear Support, It seems from you suggested change that you change the color of the box. What I think to be more apropriate is that instead of a check mark when the box is in intermediate state, there will be a filled square, exactly like in a normal check-box. Thanks, Ron.
Technical Support
Feb 11, 2009 - 12:55 PM
You asked us make indeterminate boxes in menu looking more different. We think the new lighter color makes them more different. But you just wrote <i>...filled square, exactly like in a normal check-box<>. If you need indeterminated menu boxes looking like simple checked boxes, then you can simply switch menu command state into checked state rather than into indeterminated state.
Offer Har
Feb 11, 2009 - 1:11 PM
In normal check-box, when the box is in intermediate state, you draw a small square inside it. Can’t you do the same in the menu check-box?
Technical Support
Feb 12, 2009 - 3:39 AM
Offer Har
Jan 30, 2009 - 7:44 AM
If I was not clear - i expected it to be a square like in a check-box control, and not a ’V’...