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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Idle time processing Collapse All
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Mike Van Duzee Mar 16, 2006 - 5:54 PM

If I take a CExtControlBar and float it over my application all of the idle processing time is taken by the framework. I’m not sure what it is doing but I’ve tried it with the following flags set:

CExtControlBar::g_bEnableOnIdleCalls = true;
CExtGridWnd::g_bEnableOnIdleCalls = true;
CExtPopupBaseWnd::g_bEnableOnIdleCalls = true;
CExtTabWnd::g_bEnableOnIdleCalls = true;

and it does not make any difference. Is there anything I can do to stop this?

Technical Support Mar 17, 2006 - 5:54 AM

There is a g_bEnableOnIdleCalls static member included into classes which perform their own message loop. This flag indicates whether the idle time processing should be done by these message loops. The flag is used like as follows:

    if( ?????????????::g_bEnableOnIdleCalls )
        for( LONG nIdleCounter = 0L;
             ::AfxGetThread()->OnIdle( nIdleCounter );
             nIdleCounter ++
If you have any test application that demonstrates that the idle time processing is ignored, then please send it to us.

Mike Van Duzee Mar 17, 2006 - 8:59 AM

Well... after further investigation I am not sure that it has to do directly with the idle processing loop with profuis. With this in mind a took another look at profstudio and noticed that as soon as I undock and of the control windows (Output for example) the program start eating processor time. That is, when all control bars are docked and nothing else is going on (i.e no mouse moving or anything) produis shows 0 percent in the task manager. The minute any windows are undocked and the program is left to idle profstudio shows anywhere between 5 and about 14 percent in the task manager. This might be the root of our problem if the undocked windows are eating idle time or message or something else.

Technical Support Mar 17, 2006 - 10:58 AM

We cannot confirm this bug. We tested Prof-UIS 2.52 once more and did not come across this problem. The CPU time eating is exactly equal to zero if you do not perform any actions and this does not depend on the number of floating control bars.

Do you use any software that modifies produced modules? Numega’s Bounds Checker? Rational’s Purify?

Does this problem appear in the compiled ProfStudio which you can download from our site? (