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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How to redock controlbars by doubleclicking Collapse All
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yamapu May 15, 2003 - 11:35 PM

please tell me how to implement redocking feature that doubleclicking the titlebar of a floating CExtControlBar causes
it to be docked at previously docked position.
just like
best regards.

Customer Support Team May 17, 2003 - 6:22 AM

Dear Yasushi,

Prof-UIS allows you to toggle between the floating and docked states by double-clicking if you work with fixed-size bars (toolbars, menu bars) only. This feature is not currently supported for resizable bars: by double-clicking on the caption of the resizable bar, you can only detach it into its floating state (in fact, it is placed into a floating palette).

There are four lists of control bars in MFC (one for each frame side - top, bottom, left, and right). Each list stores pointers to the CControlBar objects and to the placeholders for floating bars that were previously docked to the corresponding side of the frame. When the user double-clicks on the caption, MFC uses the related place-holder to find where the bar was previously docked.

This MFC technique is compatible only with the outer level Prof-UIS bars like the toolbar or the menu bar. The inner level bars (or resizable bars) are not fully compatible with the MFC docking mechanism. For example, MFC does not support these features:
- dynamic count of inner levels (or inner rows/columns with the bars)
- horizontal rows inside vertical rows and vice versa
- tab containers
- multiply bars inside one floating container

MFC does not even provide the developer with a ready-to-use class implementing the features of the resizable bar.

That made impossible to fully implement the double-clicking feature for redocking resizable bars. But we are working on this problem now.

yamapu May 19, 2003 - 7:27 AM

Thank you for a reply.
I understood the difficulty of that.. but,

> But we are working on this problem now.

now I have strong expectation for the new version by this statement. :-)