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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How to not save a specific docked bar to registry? Collapse All
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Offer Har Aug 4, 2006 - 8:27 PM


I have several docking bars that i would like their state to be saved, but some others that are not supposed to be saved - they are some property dialogs of objects that are not there the next time I run the application.
When I call the CExtControlBar::ProfileBarStateSave function I don’t see how I can say to it not to save a specific docked bar, nor can I find the function at the dock level to tell it not to be saved. The problem is that when I re-run the application it crashes at start-up because it tries to load and show these unwanted docked bars.

How do i do that?


Offer Har Aug 5, 2006 - 8:11 AM

I bypassed this problem by destroying my bars before closing the application.
If you have a better solution, i’ll be happy to hear about it...

Technical Support Aug 7, 2006 - 6:42 AM

The positions of control bars are very dependable on each other. The algorithm for restoring the UI state cannot skip particular control bars. Your solution is correct. Alternatively, you could replace your non-persistent bars with other windows like splitters in view windows or independent floating mini frame windows.