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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How to make a dockable frame window in place of a splitter window!!! urgent!!! Collapse All
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Debabrata Mukherjee Jul 9, 2007 - 7:20 AM

I have a splitter window which is created like the following code snippet.

if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this, 1, 2))
throw new CSa_Exception(SAIS_CAT_INTERNAL_ERROR,

if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CSaIsBinsView),
CSize(200, 50), pContext))
throw new CSa_Exception(SAIS_CAT_INTERNAL_ERROR,

I need to have a dockable window instead of that splitter window.
I have some adjacent windows with this splitter (all are the splitter windows)
What would be the possible way to make the previous window a dockable one, without making any changes to the rest.
or if changes are required what are they?

if(!m_wndFrame.Create(NULL,"ABC",WS_CHILD, rect,this,NULL))
        throw new CSa_Exception(SAIS_CAT_INTERNAL_ERROR,

CRuntimeClass *pRTC0 = RUNTIME_CLASS( CSaIsBinsView );
CView *pView0 = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CView, pRTC0->CreateObject() );

if( !pView0->Create(::AfxRegisterWndClass(0),_T(""),WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,CRect(0,0,0,0),
    TRACE0("Failed to create view window\n");
    return -1;

CSaIsBinsView *pYourView0 = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CSaIsBinsView, pView0 );

    throw new CSa_Exception(SAIS_CAT_INTERNAL_ERROR,

I have used this piece of code but in that case what will be the value of "AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST"
(This piece of code is used for creating a tab window) .What should be the resource id for a view which can be placed
over a frame window. This view(CSaIsBinsView) is created in a separate file.

Technical Support Jul 9, 2007 - 10:03 AM

You have a splitter window and two views created as its panes. If you want to move one of views to a control bar, then the splitter is no longer needed because it is not designed as a container for only one view. The second view should simply become the main view in its frame window. So the splitter window should be removed completely.

Debabrata Mukherjee Jul 9, 2007 - 12:30 PM

Like we have mentioned earlier, the splitter window, if removed gives us too many debug assert errors. May b it has something to do with resource, can u let us know what is the correct way of giving a resource id for a View, bcoz we are not very sure abt it.