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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How to make a cell font's bold Collapse All
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Offer Har Mar 16, 2007 - 1:02 PM


I have tried to add the FontWeightGet & FontWeightSet to my derived cell class, but it is never called, hence my cell never gets bold. I see that also the base class’s FontWeightGet is never called.

What do I need to do?


Technical Support Mar 17, 2007 - 10:17 AM

You did not specify which cell class you are using so we will give a general overview. There is a CExtGridCell which is the base class for all other cell classes and defines only pure virtial methods.

There is a CExtGridCellStringDM class (derived from CExtGridCell) that allows you to display single and multiline text. Although its features are limited, for example you cannot make the text bold (because only the default system font is used), nor you can store a text string as its text property, it is very effective when you need to instantiate a great number of cells.

There is also a CExtGridCellEx class (also directly derived from CExtGridCell), which is wrapped in several templates implementing various features including FontWeightGet()/FontWeightSet(). The CExtGridCellEx is the base class for most of Prof-UIS cell classes including the CExtGridCellString class, which you may want to use for displaying formatted text.

So please let us know which class you are using and if the problem persists.

Offer Har Mar 18, 2007 - 8:34 AM


This is the cell type i was looking for. the CExtGridCellString is good enough in my case, as I won’t have more the a couple of thousand cells, and it seems to run fast enough.