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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How to Get Datas in the same state from a CExtReportGridWnd Collapse All
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Philippe Germanier Mar 17, 2008 - 10:23 AM


I try to create a multi colum properties dialog with a CExtPPVW < CExtReportGridWnd >.
When I load my datas, it’s fine. For each rows of my data matrix I insert the values into a CExtReportGridItem and after that i Insert this CExtReportGridItem into the CExtReportGridWnd. Everthing looks good when i load my datas.

But the issue, is when the user drag an drop colums into the stats bars for create a tree view. When I try to update my datas, I get my datas with the GetReportData function and I loose all the values form the colums used as tree nodes.

My question is :
How can i get my datas in the same type like the load step.
Can i working like a Model View Controler way ? The model are the data, like a data matrix, The view are create by the user in the controler CExtReportGridWnd.

Technical Support Mar 18, 2008 - 7:47 AM

In most cases you don’t need direct access to any data provider when working with a report grid, a tree grid or even a plain grid. In the case of report grid, the CExtReportGridWnd::ItemGetCell() allows you to access any grid cells in both active and inactive columns. The CExtReportGridItem * pointers are used as unique and persistent identifiers of report data rows with grid cells. These pointers are persistent independently of any applied sorting/grouping rules. The CExtReportGridItem * pointers are also used for group rows, but group rows are recreated during resorting/regrouping. So, the CExtReportGridItem * pointers are not persistent for group rows. You can use a CExtReportGridItem * pointer as a HTREEITEM handle in invocations of the CExtTreeGridWnd class methods (this class is base of CExtReportGridWnd).