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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How to change a height of the grid header? Collapse All
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Thomas Roeder Nov 22, 2005 - 3:32 PM


I’m using  a grid (CExtGridWnd), but the header cutting-off the bottom part of some letters from title.

How can I increase the height of the grid header?



Technical Support Nov 24, 2005 - 12:08 PM

There are two methods in the CExtGridBaseWnd class: OuterColumnWidthSet() and OuterRowHeightGet(). The first changes the width (in pixels) of the outer column on the left or right side and the second changes the height (in pixels) of the outer row at the top or bottom side. Here is the sample code which increases the height of the header row by 5 pixels:

INT nHeight = 
        true, // bTop
        0,    // nRowNo
        false // bZeroIfNoColumns
    true,     // bTop
    0,        // nRowNo,
    nHeight + 5