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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How to attach a view created within a CExtControlBar to a CDocument? Collapse All
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Lynn Reid Jun 22, 2006 - 10:45 PM

First, apologies for my simple questions as I am quite new to Prof-UIS. Here’s my basic layout:

A) I have a MDI Doc/View application. The Mainframe has a CExtTabMdiWnd m_wndMdiTabs, which nicely implements showing each open document with a class CPrimaryView. I can click on the tabs and all is well -- I can have, say, 4 open documents displayed in 4 open tabs.

B) I have created a CExtControlBar control bar m_wndBar within my Mainframe in the OnCreate function. I have also derived a class from CFrameWnd, call it CXCFrame. After the m_wndBar is created, I create a CXCFrame and attach it to the control bar ala (plus a bunch of error checking):
    m_pXCFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CXCFrame,    RUNTIME_CLASS(CXCFrame)->CreateObject() );
    m_pXCFrame->Create(    ::AfxRegisterWndClass(0),        _T("FrameTitle"),        WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,
        CRect(0,0,0,0),        &m_wndBar,        NULL,        NULL) )

C) Now WITHIN the frame, I have a splitter window. This splitter window is created in the CXCFrame’s OnCreateClient. I then attach two new views CView1 and CView2 to the splitter window like this:
BOOL CXCFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
    BOOL bCreateSplitter = m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this,2,1) ;
    if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0,0,RUNTIME_CLASS(CView1),
        CSize(40,40),pContext) ||
        CSize(0,0),pContext) )
        TRACE0("Couldn’t create views within splitter in XCFrame\n");
        return FALSE;

    return bCreateSplitter;

D) So far, so good. I can draw in the CView1::OnDraw and CView2::OnDraw. But HERE"S MY QUESTION:

Q: How do I attach the current document CDocument to these two views CView1 and CView2 IN ADDITION to CPrimaryView? I want to be able to cycle through all three views with GetNextView(..) for example. And I want CDocument.UpdateAllViews() to affect the views within the control bar splitter window.

Note that I do not have to have, say, 4 open control bars. I only want the currently active document attached to this single control bar/framewnd/splitter.

I suspect I have to do something within the MDIChildWnd::OnMDIActivate, and that something has to do with CDocument->AddView(pCView1).....
Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to get a pointer to pCView1 within my document! (Kind of a circular problem....) The only thing I can figure out how to get a pointer to is the frame window XCFrame.

Hope this isn’t too confusing; personally I’m a bit lost. Thanks

Technical Support Jun 23, 2006 - 10:58 AM

To attach the view window to the document object, just invoke the CDocument::AddView() method. This is enough to set a valid connection between the document and its view in MFC.

To access any window inside the splitter window, you should invoke the following code:

CSplitterWnd * pWndSplitter = . . .
int nColNo = . . . 
int nRowNo = . . .
int nDlgCtrlID = pWndSplitter->IdFromRowCol( nRowNo, nColNo );
CWnd * pWndInsideTheSplitter = pWndSplitter->GetDlgItem( nDlgCtrlID );
ASSERT_VALID( pWndInsideTheSplitter );
The pWndInsideTheSplitter window is one of your view windows. You can use the STATIC_DOWNCAST() or DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST() macro with the pWndInsideTheSplitter window to access the desired C++ class type.