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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How does one get the state of a button on a toolbar derived from CExtControlBar since CExtControlBa Collapse All
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steven frierdich Jun 10, 2006 - 4:28 PM

Geeze here is another pas one has to search
How does one get the state of a button on a toolbar derived from CExtControlBar since CExtControlBar is not derived from CToolbar?

Technical Support Jun 12, 2006 - 12:49 PM

There are several ways to do this.

For example, you can use the CExtToolControlBar::GetButtonInfo method, which returns both the toolbar button’s command identifier and style:

UINT nID = 0;
UINT nStyle = 0;
m_wndToolBar.GetButtonInfo( 0, nID, nStyle );
You can also retrieve the CExtBarButton object and then invoke the CExtBarButton::GetStyle() method:
CExtBarButton * pTBB = _GetButtonPtr( nBtnIdx );
UINT nStyle = pTBB->GetStyle();
The style can be a combination of the TBBS_xxx values which are described in MSDN.