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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » How do you change from a flat CExtButton to a 3D look? Collapse All
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Darren Oliver Sep 28, 2006 - 9:25 AM

I have made a dialog with the resource editor in Visual Studio and changed the button control from a CButton to a CExtButton. I wanted to keep the same 3-D look of the MFC control but Iaˆ™m now left with a flat button which changes to blue when the mouse cursor passes over.

I have tried changing the styles without success. Here is an example of how Iaˆ™m trying to change the style.
The following code snipit is inside OnInitDialog().
okBtn.SetButtonStyle(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON,true);

Iaˆ™m running prof-ui version 2.54.

Any suggestions or tips are greatly appreciated.

Technical Support Sep 28, 2006 - 11:23 AM

We coded a test project. There is a CCustomPaintManagerHolder template decorator class in it, which can be applied to button controls and many other controls. This template class keeps a pointer to an externally instantiated paint manager and makes Prof-UIS controls use this paint manager. The several buttons on the main dialog window are drawn by the Office 2000 paint manager and look like old classic Windows buttons. At the same time some other buttons are painted by the currently installed Prof-UIS paint manager.