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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » hosting a view in a CExtControlBar Collapse All
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Pierre MEDART Apr 2, 2008 - 9:43 AM

We host views in a TabControl that is itself in an object derived from CExtControlBar.

CExtControlBar is floating we get an assert (in dbg) if we try to activate the view

in WinFrm.cpp




CFrameWnd::SetActiveView(CView* pViewNew, BOOL bNotify) line 1184 to 1213 (MFC8.0)




ASSERT(IsChild(pViewNew)); <------ we get the assert here



_DEBUGif (pViewNew != NULL)



CView* pViewOld = m_pViewActive;



if (pViewNew == pViewOld)return; // do not re-activate if SetActiveView called more than once

m_pViewActive = NULL;

// no active for the following processing


// deactivate the old one


pViewOld->OnActivateView(FALSE, pViewNew, pViewOld);


if (pViewOld != NULL)// if the OnActivateView moves the active window,


// that will veto this change



if (m_pViewActive != NULL)return; // already set

m_pViewActive = pViewNew;


// activate


pViewNew->OnActivateView(TRUE, pViewNew, pViewOld);


Is there a way to create a CExtControlBar that can not be floating ?

if (pViewNew != NULL && bNotify)

Technical Support Apr 2, 2008 - 1:02 PM

This assertion is a "feature" of the CFrameWnd class. You can implement a similar SetActiveView() method in your frame class but without unwanted assertions.

You can override the CExtControlBar::FloatControlBar() and CExtControlBar::ToggleDocking() virtual methods in your CExtControlBar-derived class and make the bodies of these methods empty. I.e. do not invoke the parent class methods. The user will not be able to switch such resizable control bar into the floating state. This approach is acceptable if your control bars are based on the Visual Studio .NET like drag-n-drop based re-docking algorithm for resizable bars. This way is not good if you are using Visual Studio 2005/2008 like algorithm with docking markers also known as guide diamonds.