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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Grid sorting question Collapse All
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Offer Har Mar 7, 2007 - 5:55 PM

Dear Support,

I have a grid that the left column (a fixed column) has a running number.
The grid can be sorted, using the default sort - the flag __EGWS_BSE_SORT_COLUMNS
I would like the numbers to remain in order (1,2,3...) even when the grid is sorted by another column.

Is there a way to prevent the left column from being sorted? If not, is there any event / virtual function I can use when the sorting is over so that I will change the texts in all the cells of the left column?


Suhai Gyorgy Mar 8, 2007 - 1:25 AM

Try using __EGCS_HDR_ROW_COLUMN_NUMBER style for the cells of the left, fixed column instead setting the numbers yourself. This one is also shown in SimpleGrids sample.