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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Font doesn't change with the Windows style Collapse All
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Emil Pop Feb 1, 2006 - 7:36 AM

Whenever the style of the Windows’ desktop changes via
Mouse Right-Click on the desktop/Properties/Appearance Tab/Advanced/Item: Palette Title/ Change fonts,
the fonts of the title bar created using CExtControlBar remain the same although they should change.

On the other hand, Microsoft Visual Studio Resizable control bars (i.e., Solution, Resources, etc) change their font. The same is valid for other Microsoft Office Applications.

For clarity, I e-mailed you a sample outlining the font resizing comparison using an application based on Prof-UIS as opposed to MS Visio.

Would it be possible to have the Palette Titles changed in Prof-UIS too?




Technical Support Feb 2, 2006 - 5:58 AM

We received your e-mail with the screenshot and replied you back with a sample application attached.

Emil Pop Feb 2, 2006 - 9:34 AM


I received a zipped executable with which I am not sure what to do. I ran it and I took two snapshots before and after changing the style.

They include:

- your executable

- Visual Studio 2003 (for comparison)

- Display Properties/Advanced Appearance to show the style setup.


I will email you the results




Technical Support Feb 3, 2006 - 5:40 AM

We updated the sample and sent it to you by e-mail.

Emil Pop Feb 3, 2006 - 2:57 PM

The font looks OK now. However the bitmap for closing the control bar ( e.g., the ’X’) stays the same. I assume the pin bitmap for the hiding button won’t change either.

How is this going to work now? Do you intend to incorporate the changes in some future interim release?




Technical Support Feb 4, 2006 - 10:22 AM

The changes you saw have already added to Prof-UIS 2.53 we are working on and we can provide you with the updated code (on your e-mail request). The buttons in the caption of the resizable control bar are based on bitmap-like glyphs. They have been always implemented using glyphs in Prof-UIS. The same buttons in Visual Studio are based on the characters drawn with the Marlett font. We can switch to the Marlett font in all the paint managers but the skinable paint manager. The latter is configured with an XML and uses PNG images for drawing. But we think this is not an essential improvement because nobody else uses captions with 35 pixel height.

Emil Pop Feb 5, 2006 - 6:35 PM

You are right, the signs are not really that important (except for consistency reasons). I guess I am OK with the changes you intend to incorporate in  Prof-UIS 2.53 (e.g., do not send me an interim patch).

Thank you,
