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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » ExtentPercentSet bug Collapse All
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tera tera Oct 26, 2009 - 1:41 AM


I widen a message column to the right side of the grid.

Display becomes abnormal afterwards when I return a message column to the left.

switch ( iCnt ){ case EITEM_CHK: case EITEM_NO: case EITEM_TYPE: case EITEM_KAISETU:  pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentPercentSet( 0.0 );  break; case EITEM_MES:  pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentPercentSet( 1.0 );  break; }

Had better the sample source prepare, too?

Technical Support Oct 27, 2009 - 2:32 PM

Please try this improved version:

INT nCurrentItemExtent; // THIS LINE WAS ADDED
pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentGet( nCurrentItemExtent, 0 ); // THIS LINE WAS ADDED

switch ( iCnt ){
  case EITEM_CHK:
  case EITEM_NO:
  case EITEM_TYPE:
   pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentPercentSet( 0.0 );
   pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentSet( nCurrentItemExtent, -1 ); // THIS LINE WAS ADDED
   pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentSet( nCurrentItemExtent, +1 ); // THIS LINE WAS ADDED
  case EITEM_MES:
   pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentPercentSet( 1.0 );

tera tera Oct 27, 2009 - 8:49 PM


The program worked normally.

However, I was not able to coordinate the width of the cell........

I assume it completion first of all.

Thank you.

Technical Support Oct 26, 2009 - 2:18 PM

Please specify the equal minimal/current/maximal pixel width for all the non-scaled columns in your grid window using the CExtGridCell::ExtentSet() method.

tera tera Oct 26, 2009 - 6:54 PM

//----------------------------------------------------- /**  * @brief  */ //----------------------------------------------------- void CNxfErrorListSelGrid::InitGrid() {  ASSERT_VALID( this );  ASSERT( GetSafeHwnd() != NULL && ::IsWindow(GetSafeHwnd()) );


 LOGFONT lf; // Used to create the CFont.  memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));   // Clear out structure.  strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "MS ゴシック");

 lf.lfHeight   = 12;  lf.lfWeight   = FW_NORMAL;  lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;  lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;  lf.lfQuality  = DEFAULT_QUALITY;  lf.lfCharSet  = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET;  lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH;    m_font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);


 lf.lfHeight   = 10;  m_fontButton.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);


 //------------------------------------  SiwModifyStyleEx(   0   |__EGBS_EX_CELL_TOOLTIPS_OUTER     |__EGBS_EX_CORNER_AREAS_CURVE   ,   0,   false   );


 RowRemoveAll  ( false );  ColumnRemoveAll  ( false );

 // カラム初期設定  OuterRowCountTopSet  ( 1L, false );

 OuterColumnCountLeftSet ( 1L, false );  OuterColumnWidthSet  ( true, 0, 20 );




int  CNxfErrorListSelGrid::_ColMax() {  return 5; }

void CNxfErrorListSelGrid::OuterTitleMake() {  CExtGridCellHeader *pMuGridCellHeader1;  int iCol = 0;

 // カラム数を設定  ColumnAdd ( _ColMax() , false);

 /// タイトル  CString  csStr;  int   iCnt;  int   iSize;

 iSize = 50;  bool blFlag = false;  for ( iCnt = 0 ; iCnt < _ColMax() ; iCnt++ ){   blFlag = true;

  switch ( iCnt ){   case EITEM_CHK:    iSize = 8;    break;   case EITEM_NO:    iSize = 15;    break;   case EITEM_TYPE:    iSize = 30;    break;   case EITEM_MES:    iSize = 400;    blFlag = false;    break;   case EITEM_KAISETU:    iSize = 40;    break;   }

  pMuGridCellHeader1 = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CExtGridCellHeader, GridCellGetOuterAtTop(  iCnt ,  0 ,  RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtGridCellHeader)  ) );   pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentSet ( iSize );   pMuGridCellHeader1->TextSet( csStr );   pMuGridCellHeader1->ModifyStyle( __EGCS_TA_HORZ_CENTER );

  //   switch ( iCnt ){   case EITEM_CHK:   case EITEM_NO:   case EITEM_TYPE:   case EITEM_KAISETU:    pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentPercentSet( 0.0 );    break;   case EITEM_MES:    pMuGridCellHeader1->ExtentPercentSet( 1.0 );    break;   }  }




Is the necessary information good only in this? 


tera tera Oct 26, 2009 - 6:39 PM

It reappears when I click a non-client area.