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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » ExtControlBar::_CalcDesiredMinVH() Collapse All
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Jon Ort Mar 5, 2008 - 2:29 PM

In several previous postings it has been stated that one can use CExtControlBar::_CalcDesiredMinVH() and the CExtControlBar::_CalcDesiredMinHW() methods to set the minimum size of the control bars. I have been experimenting with these virtual functions as well as _CalcDesiredMinFloatedSize and am confused as to just what they do and how they interact.

The function _CalcDesiredMinFloatedSize seems to control the minimum size while floating, unless one of the other functions returns a value that is larger than the dimension returned in _CalcDesiredMinFloatedSize. Also it seems that ...MinHW controls both the width and height of a window that can be docked on all four corners while ...MinVH has some impact as well but seeming not as separate horizontal vs. vertical inputs. Can you please supply a summary of what each of these functions are supposed to do?

Jon Ort

Jon Ort Mar 20, 2008 - 1:36 PM

Bump...  Anyone?